module KWN_model use KWN_parameters use KWN_data_types, only: tParameters, tKwnpowerlawState, tKwnpowerlawMicrostructure use KWN_model_routines, only: interface_composition, growth_precipitate, & update_precipate_properties, set_initial_timestep_constants use KWN_model_functions, only: calculate_binary_alloy_critical_radius, & calculate_beta_star, calculate_nucleation_rate use KWN_io, only: output_results contains subroutine run_model(prm, dot, stt, dst, & Nmembers, N_elements, en, & stoechiometry, normalized_distribution_function, & Temperature, radius_crit, interface_c, time_record_step, & c_thermal_vacancy, shape_parameter, sigma_r, A, & incubation, Q_stress, n, diffusion_coefficient, & dt, dt_max, total_time, growth_rate_array, & x_eq_interface, & filesuffix, testfolder & ) implicit none type(tParameters), intent(inout) :: prm type(tKwnpowerlawState), intent(inout) :: dot, stt type(tKwnpowerlawMicrostructure), intent(inout) :: dst integer, intent(in) :: & Nmembers, & N_elements, & ! number of different elements in the precipitate en integer, dimension(:), allocatable, intent(in) :: stoechiometry !precipitate stoechiometry in the following order : Mg Zn Al real(pReal), dimension(:,:), allocatable, intent(in) :: & normalized_distribution_function !normalised distribution for the precipitate size real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(inout) :: & growth_rate_array, & !array that contains the precipitate growth rate of each bin x_eq_interface !array with equilibrium concentrations at the interface between matrix and precipitates of each bin real(pReal), intent(in) :: & interface_c, & !interface composition between matrix and a precipitate time_record_step, & ! time step for the output [s] shape_parameter, & !shape parameter in the log normal distribution of the precipitates - ref [4] sigma_r, & ! constant in the sinepowerlaw for flow stress [MPa] A, & ! constant in the sinepowerlaw for flow stress [/s] incubation, & ! incubation prefactor either 0 or 1 Q_stress, & ! activation energy in the sinepowerlaw for flow stress [J/mol] n ! stress exponent in the sinepower law for flow stress real(pReal), intent(inout) :: & Temperature, & !temperature in K c_thermal_vacancy, & ! concentration in thermal vacancies radius_crit !critical radius, [m] real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(inout) :: & diffusion_coefficient ! diffusion coefficient for Mg and Zn real(pReal), intent(in) :: & dt_max, & ! max time step for integration [s] total_time ![s] real(pReal), intent(inout) :: & dt !time step for integration [s] character*100, intent(in) :: filesuffix !the file suffix contains the temperature and strain rate used for the simulation character*100, intent(in) :: testfolder !folder where the input file is !!! local variables integer :: bin, k, i real(pReal) :: & deltaGv, & ! chemical driving force [J/mol] interface_energy, & ![J/m^2] nucleation_site_density, & !nucleation density [pr/m^3] zeldovich_factor, & !Zeldovich factor beta_star, & ! in the nucleation rate expression incubation_time, & ! in the nucleation rate expression nucleation_rate,& ! part/m^3/s radiusL, radiusR, radiusC, & ! used for the calculation of the growth rate in the different bins growth_rate, flux, & ! growth rate and flux between different bins for the precipitates time_record, & ! used to record the outputs in files production_rate, & ! production rate for excess vacancies annihilation_rate, & !annihilation rate for excess vacancies dislocation_density ![/m^2] real(pReal), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: & results !variable to store the results ! the 'temp' variables are to store the previous step and adapt the time step at each iteration real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: & temp_c_matrix, & temp_x_eq_interface, & temp_x_eq_matrix, & temp_precipitate_density ,& temp_dot_precipitate_density, & k1,k2,k3,k4 ! variables used for Runge Kutta integration real(pReal) :: & temp_total_precipitate_density, & temp_avg_precipitate_radius, & temp_precipitate_volume_frac, & temp_radius_crit, & temp_c_vacancy, & temp_diffusion_coefficient, & temp_dislocation_density, & dt_temp, & Temperature_temp, & h !used for Runge Kutta integration character*100 :: filename !name of the gile where the outputs will be written INTEGER :: status ! I/O status ! allocate arrays for Runga Kutta and temporary work allocate(k1(prm%kwn_nSteps), source=0.0_pReal) ! Runge Kutta allocate(k2(prm%kwn_nSteps), source=0.0_pReal) ! allocate(k3(prm%kwn_nSteps), source=0.0_pReal) allocate(k4(prm%kwn_nSteps), source=0.0_pReal) allocate(temp_x_eq_interface(0:prm%kwn_nSteps), source=0.0_pReal) allocate(temp_precipitate_density(prm%kwn_nSteps), source=0.0_pReal) allocate(temp_dot_precipitate_density(prm%kwn_nSteps), source=0.0_pReal) allocate(temp_c_matrix(N_elements), source=0.0_pReal) allocate(temp_x_eq_matrix(N_elements), source=0.0_pReal) allocate(results(1,8)) ! the results are stored in this array !the following are used to store the outputs from the previous iteration temp_diffusion_coefficient = diffusion_coefficient(en) temp_total_precipitate_density = dst%total_precipitate_density(en) temp_avg_precipitate_radius = dst%avg_precipitate_radius(en) temp_precipitate_volume_frac = dst%precipitate_volume_frac(en) temp_c_matrix(:) = dst%c_matrix(:,en) temp_precipitate_density = stt%precipitate_density(:,en) temp_dot_precipitate_density = dot%precipitate_density(:,en) temp_radius_crit = radius_crit temp_x_eq_matrix = prm%ceq_matrix temp_x_eq_interface = x_eq_interface temp_c_vacancy = stt%c_vacancy(en) temp_dislocation_density = prm%rho_0 Temperature_temp = Temperature stt%time(en) = 0.0_pReal ! time_record is used to record the results in textfiles time_record = -dt nucleation_rate = 0.0_pReal h = dt k = 0 loop_time : do while (stt%time(en).LE. total_time) k=k+1 print*, "dt:", dt print*, 'Time:', stt%time(en) print*, 'Temperature', Temperature print*, 'Mean radius : ', dst%avg_precipitate_radius(en)*1e9, 'nm' call set_initial_timestep_constants(prm, stt, dot, Temperature, sigma_r, A, Q_stress, n, dt, en, & diffusion_coefficient, c_thermal_vacancy, dislocation_density, & production_rate, annihilation_rate) ! calculate nucleation rate nucleation_site_density = sum(dst%c_matrix(:,en)) / prm%atomic_volume zeldovich_factor = prm%atomic_volume * sqrt(prm%gamma_coherent / ( kB * Temperature ) ) & / ( 2.0_pReal * PI * radius_crit**2.0 ) ! expression of beta star for all alloys beta_star = calculate_beta_star(radius_crit, prm%lattice_param, & diffusion_coefficient, dst%c_matrix, en) !TODO: Have users set N_elements, and test for N_elements==1 here to define a binary alloy !TODO: Doug: I think this should be calculated before beta_star in each timestep, ! in the setting of initial timestep constants ! (it will converge towards the same answer either way, but with slightly ! different strain rates early in the simulation) ! calculate critical radius in the case of a binary alloy if (dst%c_matrix(2,en)==0) then radius_crit = calculate_binary_alloy_critical_radius(Temperature, dst, prm, en) end if incubation_time = incubation * 2.0 & / ( PI * zeldovich_factor**2.0 * beta_star ) print*, 'Incubation time', incubation_time if (stt%time(en) > 0.0_pReal) then nucleation_rate = calculate_nucleation_rate(nucleation_site_density, zeldovich_factor, beta_star, & prm%gamma_coherent, radius_crit, Temperature, incubation_time, & stt%time, en) print*, 'nucleation rate', nucleation_rate*1e-6, '/cm^3' else nucleation_rate = 0.0_pReal endif dot%precipitate_density = 0.0 * dot%precipitate_density !calculate the precipitate growth in all bins dot%precipitate_density call growth_precipitate(N_elements, prm%kwn_nSteps, prm%bins, interface_c, & x_eq_interface,prm%atomic_volume, na, prm%molar_volume, prm%ceq_precipitate, & stt%precipitate_density, dot%precipitate_density(:,en), nucleation_rate, & diffusion_coefficient, dst%c_matrix(:,en), growth_rate_array, radius_crit ) ! empty the first bin to avoid precipitate accumulation !dot%precipitate_density(0,en) = 0.0_pReal dot%precipitate_density(1,en) = 0.0_pReal !stt%precipitate_density(0,en) = 0.0_pReal stt%precipitate_density(1,en) = 0.0_pReal ! Runge Kutta 4th order to calculate the derivatives !–Kutta_methods ! Runge Kutta k2 calculation ! repeat the calculations above for t = t+dt/2 h = dt k1 = dot%precipitate_density(:,en) stt%time(en) = stt%time(en) + h / 2.0 stt%precipitate_density(:,en) = temp_precipitate_density + h / 2.0 * k1 call growth_precipitate(N_elements, prm%kwn_nSteps, prm%bins, interface_c,& x_eq_interface,prm%atomic_volume, na, prm%molar_volume, prm%ceq_precipitate, & stt%precipitate_density, dot%precipitate_density(:,en), nucleation_rate,& diffusion_coefficient, dst%c_matrix(:,en), growth_rate_array, radius_crit ) nucleation_site_density = sum(dst%c_matrix(:,en)) / prm%atomic_volume zeldovich_factor = prm%atomic_volume * sqrt(prm%gamma_coherent / ( kB * Temperature) ) & / (2.0_pReal * PI * radius_crit**2.0) ! expression of beta star for all alloys beta_star = calculate_beta_star(radius_crit, prm%lattice_param, & diffusion_coefficient, dst%c_matrix, en) incubation_time = incubation * 2.0 / ( PI * zeldovich_factor**2.0 * beta_star ) if (stt%time(en) > 0.0_pReal) then nucleation_rate = calculate_nucleation_rate(nucleation_site_density, zeldovich_factor, beta_star, & prm%gamma_coherent, radius_crit, Temperature, incubation_time, & stt%time, en) else nucleation_rate = 0.0_pReal endif dot%precipitate_density = 0.0 * dot%precipitate_density call growth_precipitate(N_elements, prm%kwn_nSteps, prm%bins, interface_c,& x_eq_interface,prm%atomic_volume, na, prm%molar_volume, prm%ceq_precipitate, & stt%precipitate_density, dot%precipitate_density(:,en), nucleation_rate, diffusion_coefficient, & dst%c_matrix(:,en), growth_rate_array, radius_crit ) !dot%precipitate_density(0,en) = 0.0_pReal dot%precipitate_density(1,en) = 0.0_pReal !stt%precipitate_density(0,en) = 0.0_pReal stt%precipitate_density(1,en) = 0.0_pReal k2 = dot%precipitate_density(:,en) ! Runge Kutta k3 calculation stt%precipitate_density(:,en) = temp_precipitate_density + h / 2.0 * k2 dot%precipitate_density = 0.0 * dot%precipitate_density call growth_precipitate(N_elements, prm%kwn_nSteps, prm%bins, interface_c, & x_eq_interface,prm%atomic_volume, na, prm%molar_volume, prm%ceq_precipitate, & stt%precipitate_density, dot%precipitate_density(:,en), nucleation_rate, & diffusion_coefficient, dst%c_matrix(:,en), growth_rate_array, radius_crit ) ! empty the first bin to avoid precipitate accumulation !dot%precipitate_density(0,en) = 0.0_pReal dot%precipitate_density(1,en) = 0.0_pReal !stt%precipitate_density(0,en) = 0.0_pReal stt%precipitate_density(1,en) = 0.0_pReal k3 = dot%precipitate_density(:,en) ! Runge Kutta k4 calculation stt%precipitate_density(:,en) = temp_precipitate_density + h * k3 stt%time(en) = stt%time(en) + h / 2.0 nucleation_site_density = sum(dst%c_matrix(:,en)) / prm%atomic_volume zeldovich_factor = prm%atomic_volume * sqrt(prm%gamma_coherent / (kB * Temperature)) & / ( 2.0_pReal * PI * radius_crit**2.0 ) ! expression of beta star for all alloys beta_star = calculate_beta_star(radius_crit, prm%lattice_param, & diffusion_coefficient, dst%c_matrix, en) incubation_time = incubation * 2.0 / ( PI * zeldovich_factor**2 * beta_star ) if (stt%time(en) > 0.0_pReal) then nucleation_rate = calculate_nucleation_rate(nucleation_site_density, zeldovich_factor, beta_star, & prm%gamma_coherent, radius_crit, Temperature, incubation_time, & stt%time, en) else nucleation_rate = 0.0_pReal endif dot%precipitate_density = 0.0 * dot%precipitate_density !calculate precipitate growth rate in all bins call growth_precipitate(N_elements, prm%kwn_nSteps, prm%bins, interface_c, & x_eq_interface,prm%atomic_volume, na, prm%molar_volume, prm%ceq_precipitate, & stt%precipitate_density, dot%precipitate_density(:,en), nucleation_rate, & diffusion_coefficient, dst%c_matrix(:,en), growth_rate_array, radius_crit ) !dot%precipitate_density(0,en) = 0.0_pReal dot%precipitate_density(1,en) = 0.0_pReal !stt%precipitate_density(0,en) = 0.0_pReal stt%precipitate_density(1,en) = 0.0_pReal k4 = dot%precipitate_density(:,en) !Runge Kutta, calculate precipitate density in all bins (/m^4) stt%precipitate_density(:,en) = temp_precipitate_density + h / 6.0 * (k1 + 2.0*k2 + 2.0*k3 + k4) ! update precipate (dst) volume frac, density, avg radius, and matrix composition call update_precipate_properties(prm, dst, stt, en) ! print*, '' print*, 'Total precipitate density : ' , dst%total_precipitate_density*1e-18 , '/micron^3' print*, 'Precipitate volume fraction :', dst%precipitate_volume_frac(en) print*, 'Solute concentration in the matrix' , dst%c_matrix(1,en) print*, 'Nucleation rate :part/micron^3/s ', nucleation_rate*1.0e-18 print*, 'Critical Radius : ', radius_crit*1e9, 'nm' ! Adapt time step so that the outputs do not vary to much between too time steps !if either: ! - the precipitate distribution in one class/ the vacancy concentration / the concentration in the matrix becomes negative, ! or - at least one size of precipitates grow sufficiently fast to move from two size classes during one time step ! then go back to the previous step and decrease the time step if ( (stt%c_vacancy(en) < 0.0_pReal) & .OR. (minval(stt%precipitate_density(:,en)) < 0.0_pReal) & .OR. (minval(dst%c_matrix(:,en)) < 0.0_pReal) & .OR. any(isnan(stt%precipitate_density(:,en))) & ) then ! go back one step before stt%time(en) = stt%time(en) - dt dst%total_precipitate_density(en) = temp_total_precipitate_density stt%precipitate_density(:,en) = temp_precipitate_density(:) dot%precipitate_density(:,en) = temp_dot_precipitate_density(:) dst%avg_precipitate_radius(en) = temp_avg_precipitate_radius dst%precipitate_volume_frac(en) = temp_precipitate_volume_frac dst%c_matrix(:,en) = temp_c_matrix !stt%c_vacancy(en) = temp_c_vacancy !dislocation_density = temp_dislocation_density Temperature = Temperature_temp !radius_crit = temp_radius_crit prm%ceq_matrix = temp_x_eq_matrix x_eq_interface = temp_x_eq_interface !diffusion_coefficient(1) = temp_diffusion_coefficient !decrease time step by a factor arbitrarily chose (2) dt = 0.5 * dt else !set the time step so that a precipitate cannot grow from more than the space between two adjacent classes !not necessary to adapt the time step to the growth rate if there is no precipitate if ( dst%total_precipitate_density(en) > 1.0_pReal ) then dt = min( dt_max, & (prm%bins(1)-prm%bins(0)) / maxval(abs(growth_rate_array)) & ) print*,'dt growth rate', (prm%bins(1) - prm%bins(0)) / maxval(abs(growth_rate_array)) else dt = min(dt_max, dt*1.2) !increase slightly the time step by an arbitrary factor as long as there are no precipitates endif ! store the new values of the outputs in the temporary variables temp_dot_precipitate_density = dot%precipitate_density(:,en) temp_total_precipitate_density = dst%total_precipitate_density(en) temp_precipitate_density = stt%precipitate_density(:,en) temp_avg_precipitate_radius = dst%avg_precipitate_radius(en) temp_precipitate_volume_frac = dst%precipitate_volume_frac(en) temp_c_matrix = dst%c_matrix(:,en) !temp_radius_crit = radius_crit temp_x_eq_matrix = prm%ceq_matrix temp_x_eq_interface = x_eq_interface !temp_c_vacancy = stt%c_vacancy(en) !temp_dislocation_density = dislocation_density Temperature_temp = Temperature !temp_diffusion_coefficient = diffusion_coefficient(1) if (time_record < stt%time(en)) then !record the outputs every 'time_record' seconds call output_results(testfolder, filesuffix, stt, dst, diffusion_coefficient, c_thermal_vacancy, & nucleation_rate, production_rate, annihilation_rate, dislocation_density, & radius_crit, en) ! next time for which the outputs should be written if (time_record_step > 0) then !Save data linearly time_record = time_record + time_record_step else !save data logarithimically time_record = time_record + 10**(INT(LOG10(stt%time(en)))-1) endif endif endif end do loop_time end subroutine run_model end module KWN_model