[Software & Simulation]

Installing development versions of Python packages (e.g. MatFlow extensions) on the CSF

  1. On the CSF, uninstall any “published” version of the package you wish to install from GitHub. For example, if you want to install a development version of the matflow-damask extension, first do pip uninstall matflow-damask. (Not sure if this step is required.)
  2. Find the GitHub repository of the package you would like to install
  3. Click on the green Code button and then copy the given URL:

  4. On the CSF, go to your home directory: cd ~, and then type: git clone [GITHUB_URL] where you should replace [GITHUB_URL] with the URL copied from step 3.
  5. On the CSF, change directory into the new git repository that was just downloaded from GitHub, e.g. cd matflow-damask, and then use git checkout to switch to the desired branch like this: git checkout [DEV_BRANCH] where you should replace [DEV_BRANCH] with the name of the development branch you wish to install.
  6. On the CSF, install the package in “editable” mode like this: pip install --user -e . (note the ending full-stop). Using editable mode means that you can subsequently git pull changes and the changes will be reflected in your installed package.