Software & Simulation
CIPHER (Calphad Integrated Phase-field solvER)
- Damask version including KWN model for precipitation kinetics
- Generating RVEs with particle distributions
- Installing PETSc and DAMASK on the CSF3
- Running DAMASK with MatFlow
- Using DAMASK on the CSF
- Using DREAM3D for DAMASK
- Visualising .vtr outputs using Paraview
TC Python
- Driving Force (Gibbs Energy Fit) Example
- Fraction of a Phase
- General Information
- Property Model Parameter Fitting
- TTT and CCT Curves of Ni-Al-Cr System
KWN precipitation model
- Animations with ImageMagick
- Cropping Binary EBSD Files
- Orientations
- OsxFUSE Folder Error for macOS BigSur
- Common workflows in MTEX
- Compiling binary files for MTEX
- Introduction to MTEX
- MTEX User Group
- Plotting misorientation in the crystal reference frame
- Producing nice looking figures
- Running Matlab code from Python
- Separating data by orientation
- Slicing maps and plotting texture variation
- Accessing Jupyter notebooks on the UoM iCSF (interactive Computational Shared Facility)
- Developing and publishing Python packages
- Installing pip packages within conda environments on the CSF
- Matrix multiplication with Numpy
- Python virtual environments
MatFlow old
- Getting help with MatFlow
- Installing development versions of Python packages (e.g. MatFlow extensions) on the CSF
- MatFlow presentations
- Post-processing a Matflow Workflow
- Running your first MatFlow simulation
- Towards fully reproducible scientific workflows