[Software & Simulation]

Using DAMASK on the CSF

The HDF5-compatible version of DAMASK (v3.0.0) should now be working on the CSF. We have installed it in the group RDS space (/mnt/eps01-rds/jf01-home01/shared/DAMASK-master). More information about DAMASK, including detail about input and output files etc. may be found at damask.mpie.de.

Not familiar with Manchester University’s Computational Shared Facility 3 (CSF3)? You can find more info on how to navigate directories and run computational jobs here: ri.itservices.manchester.ac.uk/csf3/

Running a DAMASK simulation from the command line

To make the DAMASK_grid (v3.0) executable available (same function as DAMASK_spectral v2), run the following command on the CSF:

source /mnt/eps01-rds/jf01-home01/shared/load_DAMASK-master.sh

To make the DAMASK_grid executable available in addition to the the pre-/post-processing commands, run the following command on the CSF:

source /mnt/eps01-rds/jf01-home01/shared/load_DAMASK-master_processing.sh

Example simulation jobscript

Serial job

Place the following jobscript into a directory containing DAMASK_grid input files (.geom, .load, and material.yaml) and submit it with qsub jobscript_name.sh. Further customisation of the solver may be added in a numerics.yaml file if necessary.

#!/bin/bash --login

source /mnt/eps01-rds/jf01-home01/shared/load_DAMASK-master.sh

#$ -N damask_run          # Name of the job
#$ -cwd                   # Submit in the current working directory

DAMASK_grid -g geom_file_name -l load_case_file_name

Parallel job

Place the following jobscript into a directory containing DAMASK_grid input files (.geom, .load, and material.yaml) and submit it with qsub jobscript_name.

#!/bin/bash --login

source /mnt/eps01-rds/jf01-home01/shared/load_DAMASK-master.sh

#$ -N damask_run          # Name of the job
#$ -cwd                   # Submit in the current working directory
#$ -pe smp.pe 4           # Use a parallel environment with four cores

mpirun -n $NSLOTS DAMASK_grid -g geom_file_name -l load_case_file_name

Running a job on the CSF will create two files in the working directory it is run within: A jobname.o0000000 file, which contains generic job output, and jobname.e0000000 which contains detail on errors that occured during the run.

Example post-processing

DAMASK outputs the following files: (geom_load.C_ref, geom_load.hdf5, and geom_load.sta) Using the .HDF5 file output, we can do processing within Python or a Jupyter notebook instance. To calculate some useful values from outputs and create a visual representation of the results (.vtr), first load the processing environment on the CSF using (as above):

source /mnt/eps01-rds/jf01-home01/shared/load_DAMASK-master_processing.sh

First of all, the .hdf5 output may be navigated from the command line using the command h5ls. eg h5ls geom_load.hdf5/ will list the increments the job has completed. We can then start a Python instance and, assuming our output HDF5 is called geom_load.hdf5, load the HDF5 file into Python. In the following example, we add the Cauchy stress, which will have a dataset label of sigma, and calculated von-Mises stress from this. (found using h5ls geom_load.hdf5/inc0/phase/(user defined phase)/generic/) This new dataset written into the .hdf5 file may then be visualized as a .vtr file that may be opened in paraview:

from subprocess import run, PIPE          # Necessary to place output files into pwd.
import damask                             # Necessary for add_cauchy, to_vtk commands.

f = damask.Result('geom_load.hdf5')

f.add_Cauchy()                            # Calculate Cauchy stress and write into .hdf5 file
f.add_Mises('sigma')                      # Calculate Von-Mises stress and write into .hdf5 file

f.to_vtk(labels=["sigma", "sigma_vM"])    # Write defined datasets into .vtr for each increment

Be wary that running this processing script will write the desired values into the .hdf5 file, and upon re-running, there may be an error that the defined values have already been written in. DONT PANIC! These calculations will be skipped and any newly defined calculations will be placed in. It is recommended that the user first backup their .hdf5 output file before performing post-processing on it. This will ensure if there are any errors that the original job output file can still be post-processed without having to run the job all over again.

The above must be run on the CSF! If we are processing a large output file, we should write a processing script in Python (like that above), and then submit it as a jobscript. If we name our Python script processing.py, a processing jobscript might look like this:

#!/bin/bash --login

source /mnt/eps01-rds/jf01-home01/shared/load_DAMASK-master_processing.sh

#$ -N damask_processing   # Name of the job
#$ -cwd                   # Submit in the current working directory

python processing.py

Note that we can also extract data from the HDF5 file without requiring the DAMASK processing environment (e.g. on our local computer). To do this we need the h5py Python package installed. This can be installed using pip install h5py. See the documentation for h5py for more details concerning loading an HDF5 file.

Differences between the current version (3.0.0) and the previous installed version (2.0.3)

  • material.config files have now been replaced by material.yaml files. The syntax of a yaml file can be verified using this tool: yamlvalidator

material.yaml file

  • Orientations must now be defined using quaternions. Each quaternion component must be to at least 15 dp. (machine precision) eg:
- constituents:
  - fraction: 1.0
    orientation: [1.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000]
    phase: Titanium_alpha
  homogenization: SX
  • Must now follow .yaml/.yml syntax. keys must finish with a colon :. The value can then be defined. eg. c/a: 1.587
  • More detail to follow

Differences between this version (2.0.3) and the version installed centrally on the CSF (2.0.2)

When running DAMASK_spectral, we’ve found the following differences between this development version and the older version that is installed centrally on the CSF (version 2.0.2):

Output files

  • An HDF5 file is now generated during the simulation run.

material.config file

  • <homegenization> key type is now mech
  • coveraratio is now c/a
  • The following <crystallite> output keys appear to be no longer supported (or have been renamed?):
    • e (total strain as Green-Lagrange tensor)
    • ee (elastic strain as Green-Lagrange tensor)
    • eulerangles (orientation as Bunge triple)
    • Volume
  • The <crystallite> output keys need to be moved (or copied) to each phase definition section to be output in the hdf5 file